
What better place to discover your path than at a university whose very mission is to provide broad foundational knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences? In an ever-changing world, entering UE as undeclared is not only a wonderful opportunity, it is a great idea!

To pursue your goals, you'll need a map, and our Center for Academic 建议 will work with you to create one. We'll encourage you to discover different paths and determine which direction best fits you, your interests, and your academic focus.

Benefits of Being Undeclared at UE

As a student in the Major Discovery Program, you will:

  • Work one-on-one with an academic advisor from the Center for Academic 建议 who is dedicated to your success.
  • Take the course DISC 110: Student Success Strategies to be connected to the different areas of interests and majors that are available at UE.
  • Complete the “TruTalent Personality” online career assessment.
  • Earn general education credits – and even study abroad – while discovering potential majors.